Quiz: Rocks
Quiz: Rocks#
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Please tick your choice(s) from the list of options provided. Note that several choices may be correct, so tick all choices you think are appropriate.
Q1. Which of the following determines the composition of a magma? Check all that apply.
The degree of partial melting of the rocks that melt to form the magma
The composition of the rocks that melt to form the magma
The age of the rocks that melt to form the magma
Whether the melting occurs close to Earth’s surface or at depth
Q2. How do intrusive and extrusive igneous rocks differ? Check all that apply.
Intrusive igneous rocks have larger grains than extrusive igneous rocks.
Intrusive igneous rocks have smaller grains than extrusive igneous rocks.
Intrusive igneous rocks are more felsic than extrusive igneous rocks.
Intrusive igneous rocks are more mafic than extrusive igneous rocks.
Intrusive igneous rocks cool more quickly than extrusive igneous rocks.
Intrusive igneous rocks cool more slowly than extusive igneous rocks.
Q3. Viscosity of a magma depends on which of the following. Check all that apply.
iron/magnesium content
silica content
volume of the magma body
Q4. In which tectonic settings would you expect to generate basaltic magma? Check all that apply.

island arc above a subducting plate
shield volcano above an oceanic hot spot
oceanic spreading ridge
above a subducting plate in an oceanic plate/continental crust above a subducting plate
continental rift
Q5. The process of fractional crystallization results in a residual magma that is:
depleted in silica, compared to the parent magma.
enriched in silica, compared to the parent magma.
the same composition as the parent magma.
Q6. What is the difference between a rock with a clastic texture and rock with a a crystalline texture?
A clastic rock contains rounded grains held together by a cementing material, whereas a crystalline rock contains angular grains held together with cement.
A clastic rock contains grains formed by chemical precipitation, whereas crystalline rocks contain grains formed by erosion of pre-existing rocks.
A clastic rock contains grains held together by their interlocking ground boundaries, whereas a crystalline rock contains grains held by cement.
A clastic rock contains grains held together by cement, whereas a crystalline rock contain grains held together by their interlocking grain boundaries.
Q7. Order the steps that go into making a sedimentary rock from 1 (first step) to 5 (final step).
Note: Correct order is 2,5,3,1,4
Q8. Metamorphism typically involves which of the following processes?
Solid state recrystallization
Fractional crystallization
Partial melting
Q9. In a few sentences, in your own words, describe how sedimentary layering (bedding) is formed.
Q10. In a few sentences, in your own words, describe how metamorphic layering (foliation) is formed.